Description of work | Сustomer | Year |
Feasibility study for reconstruction and refurbishment of power units # 8, 11, 12 of Burshtyn TPP – OJSC «Zakhidenergo» (minor reconstruction). | Burshtyn TPP | 1997 - 1998 |
Feasibility study for reconstruction of Burshtyn TPP – PJSC «Zakhidenergo» (full scale reconstruction). | Burshtyn TPP | 1999 - 2000 |
Project implementation and modernization of the automatic load-frequency control system on 8 turbines of the Burshtyn TPPProject implementation and modernization of the automatic load-frequency control system on 8 turbines of the Burshtyn TPP. | Burshtyn TPP | 1998 - 2004 |
Complete replacement of the Main control panel of Burshtyn TPP. | Burshtyn TPP | 1999-2000 |
Implementation of the terminal system for power plant’s load and frequency control at the Burshtyn TPP to maintain data exchange and signal control from the master control unit managed from the Polish TSO side (PSE) in Warsaw. The control scheme designed to trigger the power unit’s controllers through the control system installed at the dispatch center of Western Regional System (Regional division of Ukrainian TSO – Ukrenergo) in Lviv (Ukraine). Development of the database for real time data exchange and historical data registration. |
Burshtyn TPP | 1999 |
Modernization and reconstruction of Burshtyn TPP’s auxiliary equipment. | Burshtyn TPP | 1997-2001 |
Project of reconstruction of the electric precipitator for cleaning of exhaust gases on the power unit # 1 of Burshtyn TPP. | Burshtyn TPP | 1998 - 1999 |
Technical audit and feasibility study for construction of Dobrotvirska TPP-2 commissioned by the Cinergy (USA). | Dobrotvirska TPP-2 | 1999 |
Technical audit and feasibility study for reconstruction of the Kalush CHP. | Kalush CHP | 1999 |
Technical support of the ENRON Company (USA) to examine the feasibility of privatization and investment in Ukrainian Power Generation Utilities. Market simulation and analysis. | OJSC «Zakhidenergo» | 1999 |
Reconstruction of the main control shield at the dispatch center of Western power system. Implementation of the test market real-time analysis complex with optimal dispatch simulation functionality. |
Western ES, NPC"Ukrenergo" |
1999 |
Development of the test programs for «Burshtyn TPP Island» and conducting tests to verify the correct operation of the «Island» at the time of its connection to UCTE. Conducting of the on-site tests for power – frequency and volage control tests. Static stability analysis using the national network simulation software – Dakar jointly developed by SE Czechpol Energy and and Lviv National Polytechnic University. Dynamic stability simulation to verify the dynamic network model. Use of CIM format for the simulations. | Zakhidna power system NPC«Ukrenergo» |
1999 - 2003 |
Development of the design documentation and manufacturing of the prototype with the subsequent patenting of the electromagnetic filter for cleaning of liquids in energy production processes. | 2000 | |
Development and implementation of the project «Revival of Lviv Insulator Factory». | Lviv Insulator Company LLC | 2001 - 2005 |
Feasibility studies of construction of Dobrotvirska HPP. Modelling of optimized hydro generation operation algorithms. | OJSC «Zakhidenergo» | 2003 |
Feasibility study of installation of cogeneration plants at various facilities of Ukraine to increase the efficiency of the energy mix in the Ukrainian power system. | 2003 - 2006 | |
Development of program of organizational and technical measures on modernization of generating equipment in the IPS of Ukraine to meet the UCTE requirements concerning primary and secondary power and frequency control. | NPC «Ukrenergo» | 2006 |
Development of proof of concept on electricity export from Ukraine. Modelling of the electricity export scenarios and definition of potential trading benefits. | ATEL (Switzerland) | 2007 |
Feasibility study on construction of generating capacities in the Western Ukrainian and mathematical optimization of trading strategy alorithms for different Scenarios of power exchangesDevelopment of proposals on installation of generating capacities in the Western Ukraine. | ATEL (Switzerland) | 2008 |
Development of regulatory documents sections on the organization of frequency and power control in the IPS of Ukraine, namely: - development of chapter «Concept of frequency control and power flows in the IPS of Ukraine in all modes of its operation» of the regulatory document «Basic requirements to load-frequency control in the IPS of Ukraine»; - drawing up and approval of terms of reference for the development of regulatory document «Methodical recommendations on the organization of primary and secondary load-frequency control on the TPPs power units»; - development of chapters with methodical recommendations on organization of primary and secondary load-frequency control on the pulverized-coal fired TPPs power units with drum boilers to regulatory document «Methodical recommendations on the organization of primary and secondary load-frequency control on the TPPs power units»; - development of chapters with methodical recommendations on organization of primary and secondary load-frequency control on NPPs power units with reactors of VVER-440 type to regulatory document «Methodical recommendations on the organization of primary and secondary load-frequency control on the NPPs power units»; - development of chapters with methodical recommendations on testing a readiness of TPPs with pulverized-coal fired power units having drum boilers to participate in load-frequency control in the IPS of Ukraine, as parts of the regulatory document entitled «Methodical recommendations on testing a readiness of TPPs, HPPs and NPPs to participate in load-frequency control in the IPS of Ukraine». |
OJSC «LvivORGRES», SE «NPC Ukrenergo» |
2008 |
Development of Terms of reference for the project of rehabilitation of thermal power plants (TPPs) in Ukrainian power system. | Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine, The World Bank |
2009 |
Elaboration of typical technical requirements on modernization of 200 and 300 MW thermal CHP units to ensure load-frequency control in IPS of Ukraine. | Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine | 2009 |
Carrying out the works on assessment of state of load-frequency control in the IPS of Ukraine with conducting the full-scale on-site tests on the 9 TPP’s power units in the IPS of Ukraine. | SE «NPC Ukrenergo» | 2009 -2010 |
Elaboration of the project «State target program of integration of the Interconnected Power System of Ukraine to the Energy union of the European states». | Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine | 2009-2010 |
Modernization of the terminal of a master load-frequency controller of the Burshtyn TPP. Update of the functions to include the automatic market exchange data exchange and registration. | BBurshtyn TPP OJSC «Zakhidenergo» |
2010 |
Implementation of Power Production Information System OSCVANTAGE – a complex solution of the acquisition, processing, archiving and presentation of process data as well as optimal on-line production process control for PPC Investments, a.s. – PPC Bratislava, Slovakia. | PPC Investments, a.s., OSC a.s. | 2010 |
Working on the EU Program «Additional technical assistance to a budgetary support of implementing an Energy strategy of Ukraine, which is funded by the EU». | EU consortium on performance of projects | 2011-2012 |
Realization of the project on implementation of power plant control system with a technical re-equipment of telecontrol on the DTEK Dobrotvirska TPP. Implementation of the modular data exchange and storage system. | PJSC «DTEK Zakhidenergo» | 2012-2013 |
Carrying out of diagnostic studies of TPP in terms of the implementation of means of an automatic load-frequency control in the IPS of Ukraine and participation of power units in the provision of ancillary services. | PJSC «Centrenergo», DTEK |
2012-2013 |
Development of detailed design and documentation on implementation of a power plant system of load-frequency control with technical re-equipment of telecontrol on the Trypilska TPP. Development of the full scale data exchange and registration system. | PJSC «Centrenergo» | 2013-2014 |
Development of the design documentation and implementation of the power plant load-frequency control system for the PJSC «Kharkiv CHP-5». Development of the full scale data exchange and registration system. | PJSC «Kharkiv TPP-5» | 2014-2016 |
Development of the design documentation and implementation of the power plant load-frequency control system for Starobeshivska TPP. | PPJSC «Donbasenergo» | 2014-2015 |
Imlplementation of the work «Feasibility Study on Synchronous Interconnection of Ukrainian and Moldovan Power Systems to ENTSO-E Continental Europe Power System». EU Grant Contract. Part of activities referred to Ukrainian side. Six tasks were performed: Task 1. Technical requirements and operational aspectsTask 1. Technical requirements and operational aspects 1.1 Creation of power system model (collection of network data, verification and validation).Preparation of the network model UA/MD in CGMES and PSS/E formats. 1.2 Analysis of steady-state mode and dynamic stability of Ukrainian power system. 1.3 Preparation of report concerning organization of dispatch functions, power balance in IPS of Ukraine. Analysis and development of the block scheme of dispatch system organization in IPS of Ukraine. 1.4 Implementation of power/frequency on-site power unit tests for validation of the dynamic model of IPS of Ukraine. 1.5 Investigation of voltage and reactive power control status. Simulation of the reactive power control in IPS of Ukraine. 1.6 Review of defense plan and restoration of normal operation plan. Fast transient power system analysis to analyze the requirements for the defense equipment. 1.7 Review of communication channels status. Definition of the available communication channel availability in IPS of Ukraine. Task 2. Delimitation conditions Preparing information about intersystem connections between Ukraine and Moldova and their partners with evaluation of net transfer capacity and measures of steady physical delimitation. Task 3. Overload control Preparation of outage plans, evaluation of power transfer capacities, day-ahead congestion forecast, management of N-1 security principle. Task 4. Legal/regulatory conditions. EU legislation adaptation. Task 5. Preparation of Operational Agreement on establishment of Control Block consisting of Ukraine and Moldova power systems. Task 6. Establishment and work organization of Project group, selection of it's members. Administration, informing and displaying of project activities. ENTSO-E TSOs involved in the project: PSE, Transelectrica, ESO EAD, MAVIR, EMS Non-ENTSO-E TSOs involved in the project: Ukrenergo, Moldelectrica. |
Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine, NPC "Ukrenergo" |
2014-2016 |
Development of methodology for certification/attestation of power units (aggregates) of power plants of IPS of Ukraine for their readiness/capability to provide ancillary services in terms of normalized primary and/or secondary load and frequency control according to best practices applied in the ENTSO-E power systems. |
NPC “Ukrenergo” | 2016 |
Enhancement of cyber-security of the Power Production Information System OSCVANTAGE as a part of the critical IT infrastructure of the state.The project included design and implementation of complex cyber-security measures on a distributed system working in real-time. The works have been completed in cooperation with the main IT supplier OSC. |
ČEZ, a.s., OSC a.s | 2017 |
Development of Power Production Information System OSCVANTAGE – a complex solution of the acquisition, processing, archiving and presentation of process data as well as optimal on-line production process control.The information system handles real-time data as well as historical and scheduled data from all ČEZ power plants, supports optimal intraday and day-ahead trade and visualizes and reports to all involved technical and trading staff counting more than 500 people.The system handles more than 50k data points with precise history of ca two years. The SLA level of the real-time part is higher than 99.99%. |
ČEZ, a.s., OSC a.s. | 2017 |
Configuration of communicational exchange between automated power control system of power unit no. 8 and central controller of ALFCS IPS of Ukraine through the power plant control system of "DTEK Dobrotvir TPP". Development of dynamic data exchange database for these purposes. XML format management platform development. |
PJSC “DTEK Zakhidenergo” | 2017 |
Development of tailor made user’s functions for software PROMOTIC OSCART with correction of mnemo scheme for plant control system of PJSC “Kharkiv CHP-5”. | PJSC “Kharkiv CHP-5” | 2017 |
Configuration of communicational exchange between automated power control system of power unit no.2 of PJSC “Kharkiv CHP-5”, implementation of automatic power control system at SE "NPC "Ukrenergo" for the secondary load and freguency control in UPS of Ukraine. |
PJSC “Kharkiv CHP-5” | 2017 |
Implementation of Power Production Information System OSCVANTAGE – a complex solution of the acquisition, processing, archiving and presentation of process data as well as optimal on-line production process control at Sev.en EC, a.s. – Power Plant Chvaletice, Czech Republic. |
Sev.en EC, OSC a.s. | 2018 |
Implementation of Power Production Information System OSCVANTAGE – a complex solution of the acquisition, processing, archiving and presentation of process data as well as optimal on-line production process control at E.ON Elektrárne, s.r.o. – Combined cycle Malženice, Slovakia. |
E.ON, OSC a.s. | 2018 |
Implemented projects