Subsidiary enterprise «Czechpol Energy» was established in May 1997 by Czech-Polish Company «Czechpol Energy» with the main strategic objectives: keeping a Ukrainian electricity export to the European market, creation of favorable conditions on increasing the electricity export levels to the UCTE grid, implementing the measures for enabling the Burshtyn TPP to permanently operate in parallel with UCTE. In order to ensure more reliable operation of Burshtyn TPP, the company continuously performs supply of main and auxiliary equipment to the TPP, organizes and carries out the expanded technical audits of power units # 8, 11, 12 at BuTPP, conducts the market and network analysis in power systems of Ukrainian and neighboring countries. In compliance with the UCTE requirements on synchronization of southwest part of the Ukrainian power system called «Burshtyn TPP Island», into parallel operation with CENTREL/UCTE networks, the SE «Czechpol Energy» directly participated in development and modelling of electronic control systems of steam turbines and hereinafter successfully implements them on power units of Burshtyn TPP. Thus, the electronic load-frequency controllers of turbines, for the first time implemented in Ukraine, allowed fulfilling the UCTE requirements concerning primary load-frequency control. Company actively co-operated with domestic and foreign design and commissioning firms and companies-manufacturers, which have directly performed on works related to synchronous connection of «Burshtyn TPP Island» to the UCTE, and with organizations that were involved in synchronization of CENTREL power systems with UCTE. Among the most significant projects, which have been carried out during that period, it is necessary to note the following:
- project implementation of full reconstruction of the main control board of the Burshtyn TPP with full implementation of the real-time collection and archiving data base system;
- reconstruction of DC switchboard of the OSG 220-330-400 kV;
- implementation of the power plant terminal – power divider, which connected the central dispatch controller of the system operator (Warsaw) with electronic controllers of power units at the Burshtyn TPP;
- elaboration and approval of the «Burshtyn TPP Island» test programmes and direct performance of works on testing the «Island» on the compliance with requirements to parallel operation with the UCTE.
- Start of development of Power Production Information System OSCVANTAGE – a complex solution of the acquisition, processing, archiving and presentation of process data as well as optimal on-line production process control.The information system handles real-time data as well as historical and scheduled data from client generating company power plants, supports optimal intraday and day-ahead trade and visualizes and reports to all involved technical and trading staff counting more than 500 people.The system handles more than 50k data points with precise history of ca two years. The SLA level of the real-time part is higher than 99.99%;
In this period, the SE «Czechpol Energy» begins close cooperation with well-known CINERGY and ENRON Energy Companies (USA), and later – with the ATEL Company (Switzerland).
During 2001 - 2004 years, the company had developed and successfully implemented the project «Revival of Lviv Insulator Factory» – the only one in Ukraine, and in the past the largest factory in CIS on manufacturing of the glass high-voltage insulators.
Since 2006, the company, based on its experience, actively participates in the works on creation of program of the organizational and technical preparatory activities for the modernization of generation facilities in the IPS of Ukraine in order to meet UCTE requirements concerning primary and secondary load-frequency controls and market rules.
According to the contract with the Ministry of fuel and energy of Ukraine, the «Czechpol Energy» Company has performed series of scientific researches on load-frequency control in the IPS of Ukraine, it had been developing the State target program of Ukraine integration into the energy union of the European states, participating in development of parts of chapters of new regulatory documents of Ukraine concerning organization of load-frequency control in IPS of Ukraine and provisions to the law on Energy Market of Ukraine, which entered into force in 2009.
In 2009-2010, as per contract with the State Enterprise «National Power Company «Ukrenergo», the SE «Czechpol Energy» had done work on the state assessment of the load-frequency control in the IPS of Ukraine and comprehensive on site tests on nine power units to test load and frequency control. These were the first such kind of tests done in Ukrainian power system since independence of Ukraine in 1991.
In 2010 SE “Czechpol Energy” has been working on the implementation of Power Production Information System OSCVANTAGE together with OSC a.s. – a complex solution of the acquisition, processing, archiving and presentation of process data as well as optimal on-line production process control for PPC Investments, a.s. – PPC Bratislava, Slovakia. This system includes a complex automated automatic data base system with functionality to simulate market optimal behavior and decision making together with technical operation of the power plant.
In 2013, the Company has implemented first in Ukraine, Power Plant Load-Frequency Control System in the IPS of Ukraine with simultaneous modernization of telecontrol in the DTEK DOBROTVIRSKA TPP. Such system allowes the full automatic data collection processing and operational control of the power plant operation based on the signal from SCADA system located in Ukrainian national dispatch center.
In 2014, SE «Czechpol Energy» participated in the project «Implementation of the Power Plant Control System and modernization of telecontrol system in the Trypilska TPP of the PJSC «Centrenergo». Same year the company performs design, assembly and starting-up and adjustment operations on implementation of a power plant control system of the PJSC «Kharkiv CHP-5», with simultaneous implementation of modern telecontrol in the CHP, and also performs operations on manufacturing the power plant control system for Starobeshivska TPP of the PJSC «Donbasenergo». Full scale data exchange and registration system has been designed for those power plants.
Since August 2014, according to the signed contract with SE «NPC «Ukrenergo» the SE «Czechpol Energy» has been involved as a main consultant for SE «NPC «Ukrenergo» in a project “Feasibility Study on Synchronous Interconnection of Ukrainian and Moldovan Power Systems to ENTSO-E Continental Europe Power System”. The project has been completed with close cooperation with ENTSO-E TSOs: Transelectrica, PSE, MAVIR, EMS, ESO EAD. Czechpol Energy experts have prepared the updated version of the network model of Ukranian power system in pss/e, CGMES and raw formats. It was used for the static load flow simulations.
In 2018 the company has successfully continued development of Power Production Information System OSCVANTAGE – a complex solution of the acquisition, processing, archiving and presentation of process data as well as optimal on-line production process control. The system has been implemented at ČEZ premises and handles real-time data as well as historical and scheduled data from all ČEZ power plants, supports optimal intraday and day-ahead trade and visualizes and reports to all involved technical and trading staff counting more than 500 people. The system handles more than 50k data points with precise history of ca two years. The SLA level of the real-time part is higher than 99.99%. Part of the data is stored and transmitted in XML format.
Such system has been successfully implemented at Power Plant Chvaletice, Czech Republic (Sev.en EC) and at the Elektrárne, s.r.o. – Combined cycle Malženice, Slovakia (E.ON).
SE “Czechpol Energy” has over up to 20 years in energy sector and in development of complex data base systems for energy utilities with high standards of reliability and quality together with the broad range of possible functionalities and parameters.